28 Years of Supporting Education
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Summer Track Day - June 25, 2020
Yet another successful CCC Track Day at Summit Point Motorsports Park. 119 drivers, crew and general hangers on spent a day of driving, exchanging stories and socializing, while respecting the requirement to comply with the CDC recommendations of social distancing and wearing masks. Credit to Ben P., our fearless head instructor and his team of instructors for running the Lead & Follow format for the beginners run group. It was so successful, that Covid-19 aside, it is likely that he will run this program again at our next CCC Track Day on September 3rd. Our thanks to Ben S, Wayne and Donny for running a flawless tech inspection, and of course, Leslie, Jackie, Trish and Kevin for handling registration.
Despite a muted reception at the end of the day (the BBQ had to be cancelled due to Covid-19), the awards were of the highest standard, many quite confusing due to a lack of any association with motorsports. Reggie Broddie, CEO of the Annapolis Trust, thanked all attendees and confirmed that as the beneficiary of funds raised from the event, the Trust would be able to support five students attend college this fall. Special thanks to Loik Henderson, the winner of the 50/50 raffle for donating his entire winnings of over $500 to the Trust.
Thanks to everyone for attending the event despite all the challenges of the pandemic.
Below is just a sampling of the photos. Please check out https://www.etechphoto.com/…/Cars/625-Colonial-Cup-Challenge AND https://www.sarahnomotophotography.com/ccc-track-day to view all photos. High res version are available for purchase.
The next CCC Track Day will be at Summit Point on September 3, 2020. Register here!