28 Years of Supporting Education
Fall Track Day - October 13, 2017
Another memorable CCC Track Day and our first at Dominion Raceway. 48 drivers including our stalwart instructors were in attendance of whom approximately 21 tried their hands at the go kart competition. They were joined by some late sign ins, some of whom should have had more practice in the art of hand feet coordination before trying their luck!!
The weather Gods produced a wonderful day and everyone drove home in his or her car (more or less). Our sincere thanks to our event sponsor; Joe DeChamp of Hyper Bicycles and for donating three bicycles to the raffle. The winners of varied and much converted event prizes were as follows:
Most Interesting Car: Mike Urdal
Most Colorful Car: Than White
Track Hog: Jason Parker
Most Eventful: Zuriel Cid
Most Improved Driver: Leslie I.D. Prewitt
Best Recovery: Sean Sharp
Go-Kart Winner: Juan Sanchez
The "Sarli": Jackie Dee
My thanks to all of the volunteers: Brian, Leslie, Joe, Jackie and Ben. And of course, to our fearless instructors. An immense amount of work goes into the CCC events and there is no way that they would happen without everyone’s hard work. We are already working on CCC Track Day 2018. Our thanks also to Edwin Pardoe and Jon Felton from Dominion Raceway for their hard work.
Until next spring: have fun, keep your head down, drive carefully and watch out for drivers who clearly have no idea what they are doing.